Womens Clothing not made in China

Womens clothing not produced in China can be difficult to source for reasonable prices. This is a list of user added (we verify) brands made in USA, Canada, EU, UK, Australia or New Zealand.


Made in Canada:


Made in EU:

Check back regularly for clothing for women not made in China, many are added each week. If any are manufacturing in China please comment at the bottom. Clothing made in China is often low quality or contains misleading information as to how it is constructed. We urge you to choose higher quality, longer lasting items made manufactured locally, over low-cost fast fashion which is only intended to last a few wears and washes before it begins to deteriorate.

Supporting local businesses is better for the economy, environment and human rights. As an alternative source, we recommend checking www.reddit.com/r/avoidchineseproducts.

Please comment about specific brands by clicking into them. For anything else please comment below.


Womens Shoes not made in China