Handbag accessories not made in China
Handbags not produced in China can be difficult to source for reasonable prices. Here you’ll find a list of researched, proven brands manufacturing wholly in the USA, Canada and the EU. Please comment below with any brand suggestions and we will add them once researched and verified. We recommend suggesting larger brands, not artisan or low volume producers as we are encouraging main stream businesses which can be competitive on costs. The list:
![]() | Made in USA: |
Alex and Ani: Bags
Arne Mason: Leather carrying cases
Beau & Ro: Handbags & stylish fanny packs
Cause and Effect: Belts and bracelets
CGC bags
Duluth Pack: Bags, belts, scarves, wallets
Estex Mfg. Co.: Tool sheaths, aprons, buckets, holsters
EST WST bags
Farm to Feet: Socks
Fox River Mills: Socks
Frank Clegg: Handbags
Fleabags: Bags
Makr Carry Goods: Bags, stools, wallets, belts
Maptote: Bags
Mountain Ridge Gear: Bags
Original SOE Gear: Military Bags
Pierrepont Hicks: Ties, bowtie
Randolph Engineering: Sunglasses
Stetson: Hats, boots, belts
Stormy Kromer: Hats
Tom Bihn: Bags
Tough Traveler: Bags
The Hill-Side: Ties, bow ties, pocket squares, scarves, bags and wallets
Seabags: Bags
Winter Session: Bags, wallets, belts
Yellow 108: Hats, bags, scarves
![]() | Made in Canada: |
Adrian Klis collection wallets
Alto Collective wallets
Braveleather bags, wallets
Cantin Traditions bags
Eleventhirtyshop bags
Enlight Designs wallets
Erin Templeton bags
Fitzy wallets
Hoibo bags
JMB wallets, bags
Lowell bags
m0851 bags, wallets
Mariclaro bags
Roots bags
Oak and Honey leather goods
Opelle Canada bags
Partoem bags
Past Into New wallets
Pinktartan bags
Popov Leather wallets, belts
![]() | Made in EU: |
Bennett Winch bags
Carteras y Billeteros wallets
Cafe leather wallets
Cambridge Satchel bags, wallets
Carpet Bags England bags
Corkor bags
Chapman bags
Dents Gloves wallets, gloves
Dear Moon bags
Double 00 wallets
Elvis & Kresse bags
German Made wallets
grünBAG bags
Luxac bags
O My Bag bags
Ottely bags
Rawganique wallets
Rok Cork bags
Padfield England bags
Secrid wallets
Wingback wallets
Varusteleka Finnish military clothes, boots, bags. Own line made in EU
Please check back here for handbags and accessories not made in China, we are updating with new brands regularly from our own research or those suggested below in the comments section. If you have an issue with any brand on the list; wether they have gone out of business (a commonly sad reality for locally made brands) or have moved manufacturing please comment below. We are planning to include future lists for Australia, New Zealand and more!
Handbags and accessories made in China are often lower quality or contain misleading information as to how they are constructed. We urge you to move towards higher quality, longer lasting items made and manufactured locally, over low-cost products which are only intended to last a few months before they begin to deteriorate.
Supporting local businesses is better for the economy, environment and human rights. As an alternative source, we recommend checking the message board https://www.reddit.com/r/avoidchineseproducts/ though please bear in mind some of these suggestions are not verified.
Please suggest new brands below. We’ll add to the list once we confirm where they manufacture.
![]() | Made in USA on Amazon: |