House & Office Furniture not made in China

Office and home furniture not produced in China can be difficult to source for reasonable prices. Here you’ll find a list of researched, proven brands manufacturing wholly in the USA, Canada and the EU. Please comment below with any brand suggestions and we will add them once researched and verified. We recommend suggesting larger brands, not artisan or low volume producers as we are encouraging main stream businesses which can be competitive on costs. The list:

Please check back here for furniture for home not made in China, we are updating with new brands regularly from our own research or those suggested below in the comments section. If you have an issue with any brand on the list; wether they have gone out of business (a commonly sad reality for locally made brands) or have moved manufacturing please comment below. We are planning to include future lists for Australia, New Zealand and more!

Furniture made in China are often lower quality or contain misleading information as to how it is constructed. We urge you to move towards higher quality, longer lasting items made and manufactured locally, over low-cost products which are only intended to last a few months before they begin to deteriorate.

Supporting local businesses is better for the economy, environment and human rights. As an alternative source, we recommend checking the message board though please bear in mind some of these suggestions are not verified.

Please suggest new brands below. We’ll add to the list once we confirm where they manufacture.


Healthcare products not made in China


Kitchen & Homeware Accessories